typedstream IBObjectData Object CustomObject Application TextFieldCell ActionCell Symbol Matrix Control Responder TextField Solid Helvetica Ch. dash Ch. dot Style @:@iiii ButtonCell NXImage NXradio NXradioH ff@@#::s Radio Slider SliderCell dddf@d@ Line Thickness MenuCell Save EPS Remove all Remove some Write format Read format Write data Open binary For each file, select the column of data to be used for the x-axis. (Click the Reset min/max button on the control panel to replot). Button Update File Name Column filename Title WindowTemplate iiii***@s@ Column Selection Window Border Box Thickness Border Box NXswitch NXswitchH Grid Thickness Grid solid Grid dotted Frame Box Thickness Frame Box [11@] Change Tick Label Font Tick Mark Length Tick Mark Thickness Minor Tick Marks Major Tick Marks Frame (2 sides) MenuTemplate *@*@ccc OtherViews Frame (4 sides) PopUpList popUp: NXpopup Tick Mark Location Tick Marks Axis Thickness [12@] Plot Plotting Click Plot to Refresh View Change font Titles y-axis linear y-axis log x-axis linear x-axis log Reset min /max FormCell Field: min/max Zoom/Move Move legend Move x title Move y title Move main title NXpopupH Why the Beep? Select column Hand format Fine tuning Preview x-axis xtitle y-axis ytitle Main TItle Main Title Previous View For either axis, enable manual formatting, then enter number of characters (including sign) to the left of the decimal point, number of characters to the right of the decimal point (including the decimal point), and number of characters in the exponent (if any). x axis Hand format off Hand format on No. to left No. to right No. in exponent y axis Help... Info Panel... Preferences... Click files to be removed. Cancel Execute NXreturnSign Arrange in Front Miniaturize Window Close Window Lines Symbols Legends Error bars Black/White Color LIne Styles as Shown Cycle Line Styles No. of curves x data Binary Ascii Symbol Size Circles Up Tri. Diamond Down Tri. Square ServicesHandler [10@] nxyplot submenuAction: NXmenuArrow Document Copy Graphics Paste Delete Font Panel... Larger Smaller Heavier Lighter Windows Colors... Color Panel Print... Services NXColorWell Background color Curve colors Curve no. Text color Data File Error bar base width (pixels) Curve Number )For each curve, turn error bars off or on No error bars y only x only x and y ErrorBarHandler Screen Line Styles as Shown Print Options Opaque Transparent Background Autoplot No Autoplot plot with nxyplot Enable/Disable Service Curve 1 Curve 1: Legend Legend Title: Enter Legends for each Curve Legend Box Change Legend Font Legend On/Off Change Legend Title Font Error Bars Panel Controls ColumnSelectionHandler nxyplot Preferences Accessories Colors in nxyplot ScrollWindow CustomView PlotView Fine Tuning PlotDelegate NXYPLOT Line Styles FormatHandler Hand Formatting FontManager Selective File Removal Field Field3 Field1 ServicesHandlerInstance Field4 Matrix2 Print Color ErrorBarHandlerInstance Field2 Field5 Field7 Slider1 Switch Button1 File's Owner Major Tic Marks Legend Title Button2 Field6 Form1 ColumnSelectionHandlerInstance Change y Font Tic Marks Preferences Slider3 Slider2 Colors Button6 Button5 Select Column NXColorWell1 Change Main Font Matrix1 Button4 Button3 Change Tic Label Font FormatHandlerInstance Font Manager Background1 MenuItem Submenu MainMenu File Removal Minor Tic Marks LineStyles ColorWell [262@] IBControlConnector IBConnector hide: terminate: doPrinting: drawPlot: IBOutletConnector symbolMatrix resetMinMax: plotButton xLinLog yLinLog plotParam symbolText lineMatrix lineText canvas open: orderFrontFontPanel: modifyFont: theFontManager changeLegendTitleFont changeLegendFont changeXTitleFont changeYTitleFont changeMainTitleFont writeFormatFile: readFormatFile: serviceEnable: plotService servicesHandler delegate saveEPS: copy: paste: delete: writeDataFiles: setBackgroundColor: curveNumber setCurveColor: setTextColor: orderFrontColorPanel: makeKeyAndOrderFront: backgroundColorWell textColorWell takeFloatValueFrom: lineThickness lineThicknessText symbolSize symbolSizeText curveColorWell textDelegate fixMatrixColumn: lineMatrixWindow symbolMatrixWindow legendFormWindow controlPanel canvasWindow columnMatrix columnText columnPanel fixPanel: fixRow: columnSelectionHandler filenameMatrix handFormatXaxis handFormatYaxis xFormatLeft xFormatRight yFormatLeft yFormatRight xFormatExponent yFormatExponent colorOptionButton resetDefaults: formatHandler printPanelAccessory changeTicLabelFont axisThickness axisThicknessText borderBoxThickness borderBoxThicknessText frameBoxThickness frameBoxThicknessText gridThickness gridThicknessText ticMarkLength ticMarkLengthText ticMarkThickness ticMarkThicknessText legendBoxOnOff gridDotted borderBoxOnOff frameBoxOnOff gridOnOff majorTicMarksOnOff minorTicMarksOnOff legendOnOff axesOnOff copyPScode: printColorButton printLineStyleButton accPrintColorButton printPreview accPrintLineStyleButton openBinary: binaryXdatathere binaryOpenForm binaryOpenAccessory writeDataAccButton ticMarkLocation zoomChoice legendTitle legendForm errorBarBaseWidth errorBarPanel errorBarMatrix errorBarText errorBarHandler updatePanel: ebarBaseWidth ebarBaseWidthText errorBars performMiniaturize: performClose: arrangeInFront: removeAndOpen: removeAllFiles: legendOpaque opaqueBackgroundButton removeSomeFiles: fileRemovalPanel fileRemovalMatrix fileRemovalButtons fixFileRemovalPanel: xLimits yLimits titles previousView: autoPlotButton showHelpPanel: showInfo: IBHelpConnector Document.rtf Document.Open Document.New Document.Rem_some Document.Rem_all Document.SaveEPS Document.Write_fmt Document.Read_fmt Document.Write_data Document.Open_binary Controls.rtf Preferences.rtf Controls.Zoom Controls.Fine_Tuning Controls.Previous_View Controls.Select_Column Controls.Hand_Format Controls.Preview Controls.Plot Controls.Reset Preferences.Screen Preferences.Services Preferences.Print Preferences.Background Preferences.Autoplot Print.rtf Windows.rtf WIndows.Lines Windows.Legends Windows.Error_bars Windows.Symbols Controls.LinLog whyTheBeep: Beep.Controls